Monday, January 7, 2013

The Ratib Jalaliyyah contains the Sirr of the Arusi-Qadiri Tariqah [Ismul A'zam] ]

The Ratib Jalaliyyah contains the Sirr or “Secret” of the Arusi-Qadiri order and must be established to attain success in one’s Suluk or “Spiritual Endeavours”
_______________The term Ratib is used for any composition containing verses and passages in the nature of Dhikr Salawat on the Holy Prophet (Sal) and praise for the penance of the Shaykhs (spiritual masters). Ratib Jalaliyyah is one such famous Ratib. Its author is Qutbuz Zaman Sayyid Muhammed Mappillai Labbai Alim Waliyullah. Also known as Imamul Arus and Madihus Sibtayn, he is the author of more than a hundred literary works in Arabic and Arwi [Arabic-Tamil].
Ratib Jalaliyyah comprises six types of recitals

1. Aayats of the Holy Quran
2. Dhikr (rememberance of Allah)
3. Salawat on the Holy Prophet (Sal)
4. Mawlids – Panegyrics, songs of praise on the Holy Prophet
5. Mawlids – Praise of Saints
6. Dua/Munajat - Seeks Allah’s blessings

The term Ratib is used for any composition containing verses and passages in the nature of Dhikr Salawat on the Holy Prophet (Sal) and praise for the penance of the Shaykhs (spiritual masters). Ratib Jalaliyyah is one such famous Ratib. Its author is Qutbuz Zaman Sayyid Muhammed Mappillai Labbai Alim Waliyullah. Also known as Imamul Arus and Madihus Sibtayn, he is the author of more than a hundred literary works in Arabic and Arabic-Tamil.

The early part of famous work, viz, Haddad Ratib of Al Qutbuz Sayyid Abdullahil Haddad, has been included in the Ratib Jalaliyyah. Further, Ratib Jalaliyyah is also based on another Ratib the author of which is also Qutbu Sayyid Muhammadul Bukhariyyil Jalalyyl.

Ratib Jalaliyyah is being regularly recited with much devotion and attachment. It is being regularly recited since the past hundred and fifty years in Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala not only at homes, but also in mosques and institutions like madrasahs. It popularity extends beyond this border and it is widely recited in countries like Malysia, Thailand, Dubai and Abu Dhabi (UAE), Jassim, Linja and Khorram (Iran), Basra (Iraq) and Kuwait. It has its devotees even in the Arab countries of the African continent like Morocco.

The reason for its popularity over such a wide region lies in the innumerable benefits its recitation brings. If it is regularly recited on the nights of Friday and Monday (that is, the nights of Thursday and Sunday according to the English calendar), it has proved highly beneficial. If not less than forty persons, who are regular in their daily worship and who lead a religiously disciplined life, assemble at a clean palce and recite the whole of this ratib, it has been seen by experience that even the worst disaster or calamity is averted and that all just and legitimate desires are fulfilled.

Those who have regularly recited this ratib with a pure heart and undefiled thought, have been blessed with the sacred vision of the Holy Prophet (Sal) and with the noble vision of their Shaykhs (spiritual guides). Also the recitation of ratib Jalaliyyah has been found to be helpful for achieving success in business, fulfillment of marriage proposals, recovery from illness and for ensuring safe and easy delivery of babies and without any deformity.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Shaikhuna (Dr.)Taika Shu'aib Alim  Qadiri Jalali [May Allah Preserve him]

Shaikh (Dr.) Tayka Shu’ayb ibn Ahmad ‘Abdul Qādir (Allah preserve him) is the present Murshid of the ‘Arusi-Qadiri order. He comes from an illustrious family from the Arwi region who trace their lineage back to our master, Abū Bakr as-Siddīq (Allah be well pleased with him). He was born in 1930 in the South Indian Islamic centre Kilakkarai to the renowned Arwi savant and saint, Shaikh Taika Ahmad ‘Abdul Qādir ibn Shāhul Hamīd and the pious Maryam ‘Āisha Umma (Allah have mercy on them).


He began his educational endeavours under the auspices of his revered father focusing on Arabic and other traditional Islamic sciences. He completed “Moulavi Fazil” specialising in Qur’ānic exegesis and capped it with the “Afzal-ul-Ulema” qualification.
He read “Arabic and Persian” at the University of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. His unique research of the Arwi region earned him a doctorate from the Columbia Pacific University, USA. His natural flair for language acquisition has seen him becoming proficient in Arabic, English, Malayalam, Persian, Tamil and Urdu.
He began teaching Arabic at the age of 15 at his family run Madrassa. Upon graduation, he taught full-time at various institutions in South India. Over 1,200 students have acquired knowledge from him in the traditional manner. He has also supervised 11 students at graduate and doctorate levels.


He has published 8 books in English and Tamil. His first book, “Nithya Kadan” – a summary of Islamic laws in Tamil – was published when he was just 17. He has written various articles addressing the polemic of the methodologically challenged, who attack legitimate practices of Arwi Muslims. He has also collected, catalogued and preserved over 250 manuscrits in his library.
His 880-page monumental work, “Arabic, Arwi, Persian and Urdu in Sarandib and Tamilnadu” is a labour of love that spanned 30 years of extensive travel in South Asia, Far East, East Africa and Middle East. It was released in Jun 1993 at the Rashtrapathi Bhavan in New Delhi by the then President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma.
The book brought to the academic forefront the hitherto unexplored or forgotten history and contributions of Arwi Muslims to Islamic literature, education, propagation and spirituality through Arabic, Arwi, Persian and Urdu. The book also features a critical commentary of the famous Mawlid composition by Imām al-‘Arus Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ahmad Labbai (Allah illuminate his resting abode), “Minhat al-Sarandīb fī Madh al-Habīb”.


He was vested with the Sufi mantle and authorised as Shaikh of the ‘Arūsi branch of the Qādiri path by his father, Shaikh Ahmad ‘Abdul Qādir, who had inherited the mantle from the two notables, Sahibu-l Jalwah Shahu-l Hamid [ஜல்வத் நாயகம் Jalwat Nayagam] andSahibu-l Khalwah ‘Abdu-l Qadir [ஃகல்வத் நாயகம் Khalwat Nayagam], Allah be well pleased with them. He was also conferred with the deputy-ship [khilafat] of the Qādiri path by As-Sayyid Ash-Shaikh ‘Abdu-l Karīm al-Kasnazānī [d. 5 Feb 1978], may Allah sanctify his secret.


His involvement in the traditional family business of precious gems offered him extensive travel opportunities which he duly made use of to seek and disseminate knowledge. He has taken part in and led delegations to numerous seminars and conferences in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Japan, UK and USA. He has also undertaken lecture tours to Belgium, France, Iraq, Jordan and the UAE.
He is associated with a number of academic institutions and organisations in South Asia and Far East in various capacities. He is co-Managing Trustee of the Seethakkathi Trust – a distinguished charitable institution that financially assists academic institutions, hospitals and orphanages. It also gives scholarships to deserving students and publishes literary works of historical importance.
May Allah continue showering His immense blessings upon him, grant him good health, a long life and enable us to benefit from his being.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sahibu-l Jalwah / Jalwat Nayagam (ஜல்வத் நாயகம்),Shaykh Shahul Hameed (qs)

The Great Grandfather of Shaikhuna Dr.Taika Shuaib Alim Sahib : Shaikh Shahul Hamid (qs)
Born on 20 Shawwal 1271 AH, the ardent missionary and knower of Allah, Shaikh Shahul Hamid, known by the Arabic and Tamil epithets Sahibu-l Jalwah and Jalwat Nayagam (ஜல்வத் நாயகம்) respectively, was the younger son of Imamu-l ‘Arus Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ahmad Lebbai (மாப்பிள்ளை லெப்பை ஆலிம்), may Allah be well pleased with him.
His mother was the virtuous and chaste fourth daughter of Tayka Sahib ‘Abdul Qadir al-Kirkari, Sarah Umma, may Allah be well pleased with her. She was the inspiration for many of Imamu-l ‘Arus’ works most notably the Hadiyyah Sharifah or Hadiya Malai (ஹதியா மாலை).

His Name

At birth, he was initially named Ahmad Mustafa. He was later renamed Shahul Hamid after the Saint of Nagore in fulfillment of a vow Imamu-l ‘Arus had made at the sacred sepulchre in Nagore.

His Education

Like his elder brother, Sahibu-l Khalwah ‘Abdul Qadir (Khalwat Nayagam ஃகல்வத் நாயகம்), he memorised the Noble Qur’an when he was just nine years old.
His blessed father was his main teacher from whom he learnt the Islamic sacred sciences. He rose to the level of Mufti whose religious edicts have stood the test of time.

His Worldly Endeavours

He ran the well-known metals-supply agency known as “Tayka Kadai” which was established by his father in the town of Madurai. He was also responsible for a warehouse in the town of Kilakkarai.
Such was his success in the worldly domain that by the time he was 35 years old, he had bought the village of Kattakulam and served as the Zamindar.

His Other-Worldly Pursuits

Besides being a successful businessman, he was a scholar and saint who was esteemed as a gnostic. He was blessed with the honour of leading the Salatu-l Janaza or funeral prayers for his much revered father.
Being the designated deputy of his father in the spiritual domain, he took over and strengthened the various Tariqatu-l Arusiyyatu-l Qadiriyyah institutions and served as the spiritual guide for many.
His laudable services in Sri Lanka include the setting up of various institutions, Madrasas, mosques, and Takiyyas in Maligawatte, Hambantota, and other towns.

His Travels & Passing

In keeping with the family’s long and glorious tradition, he was very active in missionary work both in India and abroad. He passed away in 1339 AH whilst on Hajj pilgrimage at a village called Bahra near Jeddah. His body was brought to Makkatu-l Mukarramah and buried in Jannatu-l Mu’alla.
He was laid to rest in between the graves of our mother and beloved wife of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), Lady Khadijah (Allah be well pleased with her) and the great Shafi’i jurist, Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami (Allah be well pleased with him).
The following lines are from an elegy on him by Shaikh ‘Abdu-r Rahman ibn Miran Lebbai Maraikayar of Sri Lanka:
dhâba-l fu’âdu likarbi sharri ‘azâ’imi
wa hujûmi muhzini bâli kulli munâdimi
mudh ja’a na’yu-l lawdha ‘iyyu-l fâhimi
Shâhi-l Hamîdi-l Kirkariyyi-l ‘Âlimi
ذاب الفؤاد لكرب شر عظائم
وهجوم محزن بال كل منادم
مذ جء نعي اللوذ عي الفاهم
شاه الحميد الكركري العالم
fî Jannati-l Ma’lâ ghadhâ nuzûluhu
bi-Jannati-l Firdawsi tâba hulûluhu
Anâkha fî finâ’i hâ dhalûluhu
Shâhi-l Hamîdi-l Kirkariyyi-l ‘Âlimi
 فى جنة المعلى غدا نزوله
بحنة الفردوس طاب حلوله
أناخ فى فناء ها ذلوله
شاه الحميد الكركري العالم

His Unique Habit

From his unique habits was the writing of poems invoking Allah’s blessings on villages and towns where he rendered religious services. His poems are of a high standard and eloquence. The following is one such poem composed at Dickwella, one of the Muslim centres in Sarandib (modern day Sri Lanka):
Yâ Rabbi ihfaz kulla muslimînâ
fî Dikkuwallâ min shurûri-d dînâ
يا ربّ إحفظ كلّ مسلمينا
فى دكّولّى من شرور الدينا
wa jamî’i âfâti-d dunâ wa-l ukhrâ
wa irdahum awjib lahum ghufrânâ
وجميع أفات الدّنا والأخرى
وإرضهم أو جب لهم غفرانا
wa bârikan rahîmu fî amwâlihim
wa wuldihim wa hirfihim rahmânâ
وباركن رحيم فى أموالهم
وولدهم وحرفهم رحمانا 
a’mârahum tawwil wa akhlis ‘amalahum
li-wajhika-l karîmi yâ mannânâ
أعمارهم طول وأخلص عملهم
لوجهك الكريم يا منّانا
wa wassi’an arzâqahum halâlâ
wa arghidan ma’âshahum dayyânâ
ووسّعن أرزاقهم حلالا
وأرغدن معاشهم ديّانا
wa tahhiran qulûbahum mina-r riyâ
wa min siwâka wa-l hawâ sultânâ
وطهرن قلوبهم من الريا
ومن سواك والهوى سلطانا
bi-jâhi sayyidinâ Muhammadini-n Nabii
wa-l ghawthi Muhyiddîni yâ burhânâ
بجاه سيدنا محمد النبى
والغوث محي الدين يا برهانا
wa bi-barakati-d du’â li-’âlimin ‘aruus
Sayyid Muhammadini-l walî subhânâ
وببركت الدعا لعالم عروس
سيد محمد الولى سبحانا
wa-qbal du’â Shâha-l Hamîdi wa-ihmihi
wa-hfazhu kulla sâ’atin ahyânâ
واقبل دعا شاه الحميد وإحمه
واحفظه كل ساعة احيانا
May Allah be well pleased with Sahibu-l Jalwah Shahu-l Hamid ibn Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ahmad Lebbai al-Kirkari al-Siddiqi and sanctify his secret. May Allah bless us and fulfill all our legitimate needs for his sake. Bi sirri-l Fatiha.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dargha Shareef of Qutubu Zaman Syed Moula al Bukhari(qs)

Shaikhuna Thaika Shuaib Alim Qadiri,inside the Dargha during the annual urus,shawwal 1432 H,with his chief Khadim,Shihabudheen Musliyar,of Payyanur,Kerala

Shaikh ‘Umar al-Qahiri (qs)

Shaikh ‘Umar al-Qahiri (Qaddasallahu Sirrahul Azeez)

The zealous missionary and elegant Sufi poet, Shaikh ‘Umar b. ‘Abdu-l Qadir al-Qahiri, popularly known as ‘Umar Waliyullah (உமர் வலியுல்லாஹ்) in the Arwi region, was a reputed scholar and a devout Sufi. His grandmother was a daughter of the renowned Arwi Saint, Shaikh Sadaqatu-Llah b. Sulaiman al-Qahiri, known more commonly as Sadaqatullah Appa (சதகதுல்லாஹ் அப்பா).

His Education

He mastered the Arabic language and was well versed in theology [aqidah], jurisprudence [fiqh] and spirituality [tasawwuf]. He attained his early education and was initiated into the Qadiri path by the venerable Shaikh Muhammad al-Nuski, popularly known as Pal-Kudi Appa (பால்-குடி அப்பா). He was also initiated into the Qadiri path and anointed as deputy [khalifa] by the sage and saint from Hadramawt, Sayyid Jifri Tangal.

His Travels

He journeyed extensively to spread the message of Islam. He also went to perform Hajj and Ziyarah of Habib al-Mustafa, Allah bless him and give him peace, in Madinatu-l Munawwarah. Here he met the scholar and saint, Sayyid Muhsin al-Mukaibali. In his company, he witnessed unveilings and experienced spiritual openings. After five years in the city of the beloved Prophet - first as teacher then as principal of an institution there - he returned back to his birthplace in South India, Kayalpatnam.
His return back home marked the start of another crucial phase of his spiritual development and wayfaring. One day, while leading the congregational prayer at the Makhdum Mosque in Kayalpatnam, he heard the call from the pole of the age [Qutbu-z Zaman], Sayyid Muhammad Bukhari Thangal of KANNUR , Kerala. He duly set off in search of his final spiritual master, who embraced him with open arms and initiated him into the Qadiri path and appointed him as his inheritor and a spiritual guide in his own right. Following this, Sayyid Muhammad Bukhari THangal made a ceremonial visit to Kayalpatnam where he was warmly welcomed at the seashore by the people of the town who humbly gave bai’ah to him.
Following these momentous incidents, on the instructions of his Spiritual Master, he went to the Dutch East Indies in 1177 AH. He established a number of madrasas (known as Pesantharan) in the jungles of Aceh Daru-s Salam and other parts of Sumatra (present day Indonesia). Whilst there, he met many mystics resulting in much mutual benefit. He ended up spending fourteen years in missionary activities in the region. This intense period of continued meditation, spiritual practices and deep prayers resulted in spiritual openings beyond description. Allah bestowed upon him Divine Grace [tawfiq] and exhibited many miraculous exploits [karamat] at his hands, including curing people of their illnesses.

His Writings

On return to India from the Far East, he began composing spiritual odes [qasa'id] of utmost elegance on mystical themes. Twelve of his stupendous compositions have been collated in two anthologies, Nuru-l ‘Aynayn and Mukhammas Dhukhru-l Ma’ad. The most acclaimed of his works is Qasidatu-l Allafa-l Alif. The amazing lines of this poem speak of the importance of loving the holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), necessity of the spiritual path, perils of earthly life, amongst others.
The beauty of this 31-couplet composition lies in the fact that each of the 29 couplets between the opening and closing verses begin with a letter from the Arabic alphabet in order. In everyline, the starting letter is repeated between ten to fifteen times. Another literary feature of this masterpiece is that, sets of words (two words), identifical in form (both having the same letters in the same order), are skilfully used in the same verse with differing meanings to convey highly advanced Sufi thoughts.
Several commentaries have been written on this ode. The most comprehensive being ‘Awarifu-l Ma’arif by Shaikh ‘Abdu-r Rahman al-Naqshbandi which was last published by Ibrahim Kutty of Tanur, Kerala, in 1975. The renowed scholar of Abiramam, Shaikh ‘Abdu-l Qadir has also written a concise commentary. Another poem of his that begins with the words, Ilahi kam tubaqqini [O my God, for how long are you going to keep me alive!] is regularly recited in the Arwi region with much fervour and devotion.
Some of his poetic compositions include:
  • Ghara’ibu-n Nizam
  • Hidayatu-l Aghniya
  • Bahru-s Sirr
  • Sirru-sh Shaikh
  • Shikayatu-l Gharam ila Hamimi-l Maram
  • Tariqu-l Wasl
  • Mubaya ‘atush Shaikh
  • Basharatu-Llah
  • Kanzu-l Jinan
  • Malil ‘Ubaidi ma Yasha’u Yudabbir
  • Nizamu-l Mada’ih

His Characteristics

His state of being was such that he was regularly found in spiritual trance and absorption. Nevertheless, he never failed to fulfill his obligatory duties.  He drew a large number of followers to the Qadiri path by virtue of his knowledge, piety and exemplary character. He firmly believed that loving the holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was the pre-requisite to climbing the spiritual ladder and keeping oneself off aberrations.

His Passing

After a life spent in worshipful devotion and service to humanity, he left the earthly realm on 14th Dhu-l Qa’da 1216 A.H / 1804 A.D. Shaikh ‘Abdu-r Rahman of Kayalpatnam has composed an eulogy [marthiyyah] of 94 lines on him. His life and works have also been discussed by Sayyid Muhammad ‘Abdu-l Qadir in the manaqib entitled, Tal’atu-l Qamar fi Mawlidi-sh shaikhi ‘Umar.
May Allah be well pleased with Shaikh ‘Umar al-Qahiri, sanctify his secret and illuminate his resting abode. May He forgive us and bless us all for his sake.
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